Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Hey y'all, hows tricks? It's a beautifully crisp January morning, the sky is blue and and the frost is glistening in the early morning sunshine......

Ah heck who am I kidding.... it's June. Yup, that's right folks, in some amazing feat of extreme-procrastination slash laziness slash forgetfulness it would seem that I have successfully (typo - I meant "accidently"), forgotten to post in my PDP blog for.... um... about 6 months now. Marian, I can imagine you're squirming in your seat now in disgust at what would appear to be my blatent disregard for your teachings, if it's any comfort I'd like you to know that PDP hasn't been my only short-coming of 2007... the fact is that I seem to have been infected with severe motivationdisplacementitis, a disease for which I have not yet been prescribed a cure!


Lets start from the very beginning (I hear it's a very good place to start).... *are you singing it in your head? haha* The Spring and Summer terms have flown by in a dizzy haze (you'll have to excuse my efforts to reach the daily adjective quota)... Thought I had the second year pretty much sussed-> I would do the work... I would be great... I would be marked generously followed by a smug hand-shaking session with Jan Weddup... then I would proceed to third year with a cherry on top. Yeah well it didn't hurt to dream.

Fact is, my fundamental flaw (that would be the motivation...itis....thing), the same juicy disease I was unlucky to be inflicted with last year (for those of you lucky to read the gold that was my first year PDP essay - high five!), seems to have returned with a vengance in the 2nd year intent on devourering my degree whole.

Today was the real eye-opener, I went to the training day for next years Welcome Crew (that's right... ask me to write a script and you're stuffed - ask me to subject myself to 60hrs stressful volunteer fresher-herding and I'm there quicker than you can say "personalised Welcome Crew t-shirts!"). Anyway, I was there doing the old icebreakers and group challenges and during one particularly enlightening session... analysing my social style. Now if I'm honest I had done this before but for the sake of writing a half-decent blog with a point I'll pretend this was all new ground, and to be fair I had forgotten a lot of it anyway. So basically the deal is that you make selections out of groups of word based on which words you think best describe you and your behaviour, stuff like "futuristic", "independent", "sociable" and so on, and in the end you are able to work out your particular social style from a choice of "Analytical", "Driver", "Amiable" and "Expressive". Long story short (ish), is that my score came out very predominantly expressive, to which I let out a woop of joy... jumped on the table... and proceeded to sing at the top of my lung about how I was the most creative person/loon in the room *possible slight embellishment*. As anyone who takes a so-called "Mickey Mouse" degree will tell you; creativity is key.

So I thought "great, I'm creative... that'll come in handy". But then I saw it, the root of all evil... the score in my "Driver" column! "Drivers" are people who are highly motivated, task-oriented achievers, and my score for that section was only 2. So that explains it, the reason my degree is giving me so much of a headache is because I'm chock-a-block full of ideas but with no desire to actually write any of them down, and although I'm making light of it it's a pretty serious problem for someone with a hefty workload such as ours. On the bright side, if I had to choose, I'd rather be creative than driven. I'm pretty sure of a couple of scriptwriters who I'd bet good money are pretty much "driver" through-and-through, and you know what...? Their scripts suck. Really, I'm not just sayin that, sometimes I read them and I'm bored beyond all comprehension. The problem is is that, without putting to egotistical a point on it, I'm not reaching my full potential here. Not even close. You read the first page of my script and I'll cry if you're not impressed... read the last page and you'll think it's been written by an entirely different, slightly "special" person! Simply because, and here is my confession.... I rushed it. Left it 'til the last minute until the "fear" sets in, not because I like my blood pressure to go off the charts and be struck down with mega panic migraines, but because I seem to have self-imposed writers block until the final days before a deadline approaches. And you know what, incase anyone reads this thinking I've got it pretty good cramming all my years work into about 10 solid days over an entire year, I just want you to know that it is possibly the most exhausting and frustrating existance known to students which does sod all for your self-esteem and sleep patterns... and often I wish my mummy and daddy could've made me a "driver" all those 20 years ago (21 next week for those who want to buy me pressies ;-) )

So, here be the plan batman.... next year.... living with 3 of the most highly strung and overly-motivated people I've ever met. If they can't get me on the straight and narrow... no-one can!

...and then I guess it'll be back to Tesco, yahoo!

Over and out my lovelies, kudos for sticking through the self loathing!

Sian x