Thursday, December 07, 2006

What can only be described as guilt...

Yesterday, rather self-riteously, I declared war on the world of blogging. Call me arrogant and stubborn if you will (not to my face if you can help it), but I was determined to expose this PDP blogging exercise for the charade I truly believed it was.

Today, however, I have had a change of heart. Please take a few moments to recover from the shock...
done? Good.
Anyway, the truth is that is the past 24 hours my damned insatiable curiosity has had the better of me. I couldn't help but have a sneaky peak at the blogs of my fellow Scriptwriting elite and I am going to have to admit that they are pretty good. This is when it occured to me... perhaps PDP really does have a purpose.
If you were to ask any member of the "regime" what this was, you would probably get your head lopped off for being so bold as to question their methods of (ahem) teaching. This is all about "reflecting" and "enhancing" and "expressing" and... you know what? I HATE hippy, dancing-around-the-actual-point, make-you-feel-like-a-moron-because-you-don't-get-it, management-speak. Not hate like I hate brussel sprouts. Not even hate like I hate Westlife*. I'm talking spider-hating hate now guys (and that's a pretty terrifying phobia of mine to say the least!).

So I'm going to lay it all out on the table for my legion of faithful readers (that's a metaphorical table for those of you who are socially inept)... I'm no longer here because I have to be.


I have decided that what started only yesterday as a God-forsaken chore that I would protest until my deathbed could be turned into something I'm actually quite fond of. Heck, it's probably my favourite thing in life second, perhaps third, to Take That and Baileys! It is COMPETITION. There are few activities that please me as much as the whole-hearted attempt to prove to someone that I am better than them at something! (It's a character flaw, I'm sure you have one too).

AND TO MY CHALLENGE: I will make my blog the BEST of all the PDP blogs (starting from the next post of course - this is just exposition). I say "will" because I'm a pessimist and pessimists love the irony of pretending to be optimists. Plus, you know, I'm pretty awesome and likely to pull it out of the bag (again, a metaphorical bag).

With a new goal to aim for there is no doubt you will find me a more enthusiastic (and hopefully less rambling) blogger henceforth. And the other PDP bloggers? Well, watch out!

Sian x x x

(please allow me to apologise for the excessive use of brackets within this post)

* Apologies to all Pestlife enthusiasts, but they really are crap. Watch Take That squash them in February when their singles go head-to-head!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I don't know why you're here, after all YOU typed this address into your browser... so I take no responsibilty for your inevitable disappointment. Either you're Marian Mayer (Hi Marian) and are checking up on me, in which case can you at least be happy that I've written something? Or you could be one of the random strangers who has nothing better to do with their life than to read the ramblings of someone you've never met, in which case you have my heartfelt sympathy (seriously now, go rent a movie.... or Take That live @ Manchester - it's awesome).

Eventually this will be a blog that "reflects my learning". If you give a damn (and you must if you're still reading this tosh.... aww, that's kinda sweet!), I'm a second year Scriptwriting student at Bournemouth University, and what I can only describe as "the regime" have ordered (at gunpoint), that we write a blog.... You know what, I can't even explain why we're doing this so I'm going to quit whilst I'm ahead.

Anyway, you can look forward to so insightful comments on my degree (and probably my crazy social life if you're lucky) and all that jazz when I can find the time, and this will be my first comment... I don't have the time!!!! Well, I do have a little time but Christmas is coming, I've got an awfully large bottle of Baileys (with caramel) next to me and actual coursework to do when motivation strikes... so 'til next time, cheerio!